Thursday, March 10, 2016

Journal 2

Journal 2
          In this post I will write my second journal. I think i have to move on from my mistakes in my writing before. I have learnt more and more about grammar, part of speech, chronological order, and also about punctuation.
I have finished some assignments, and from that I have known about some small mistakes. Then, I have to revise it to be a good post. I conscious that I still made a lots mistakes in write a post. Start from grammar, sentences(I often make just a clause not a sentence), and from a very small things that is very crucial, punctuation and preposition.
Midterms is right in front of your eyes! I need to study again about grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and about sentence. I will read more about many texts. Including, descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, etc. I very hope that i also all of my friends in writing 1 class can pass the midterm test with the best score. I hope God bless us.

1 comment:

  1. good day jer , goodluck for ur midterm. i think we can also study alot of grammar right.
