Thursday, April 28, 2016

First part of Narrative

Long Life Education

          Once upon a time, there was a smart boy named Paijo. He was from a poor family, which his father worked as a carpenter and his mother worked as a very kind housewife. He was born in Tabor Village on 26th of September 1970.
            One day, when he had his breakfast before going to school, his parents came and sat next to him. His father spoke with him. “Hello son! How are you today? Are you ready to do and face this day?” asked his father. He answered, “I am fine and so thankful today and yeah, I am ready to do and face this day”. His mother smiled and said, “Yeah that is my son. You have to be thankful for everything that you have gotten and also you have to have enthusiasm to do all day”. He said, “Yes mom!. Thank you for remembering me. Dad-mom, it is time to go to school. I have to go now”. After having conversation with his parents, Paijo went to school.
            When arrived in school, Paijo met his friends. “Have you studied for english test today?” asked one of his friend to him. Paijo answered “Yes, I have studied about it. It is very easy I think”. His friend shocked when heard Paijo’s opinion about the english test today and asked “Are you sure? This test is very easy? Okay then, please teach me about it. I am still confused about what is the difference between narrative and recount”. Paijo taught his friend about his friend’s difficulty. Finally, the test started and all of the students did the test silently. Apparently, the teacher looked into the tests and gave a score on it. After giving the score, the teacher told the class about the score. Paijo got a good score, 100. He was very happy and thankful to see the score. When Paijo went home, he told his parents about it and his parents felt so happy and so thankful too. His parents told Paijo, “We are so proud of you. However, don’t forget to thank to God for your good score”. Paijo answered, “Ofcourse mom-dad. I will thank to God for my good score”.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Journal 3

Journal 3
          Hello readers!. In this post, I will write my 3rd Journal of my Writing 1.
          I can be a little bit free now because I have finished my mid-term test, although I have not known the score yet. However, I have done my best in my mid-term test. Hopefully, the score will be a good score.
          After finishing the mid-term, I had to be ready to write again. My first assignment after the mid-term is that made my own zodiac including the characteristic of the new zodiac. I chose cheetah as my own zodiac and I wrote everything about it including the character. However, I did not add some things, like the romantic love, the finances, and the health info as the usual zodiac.
          The second assignment is that I had to make a summary about event that I have attended which called ICFC (International Culture Festival and Celebration). Especially, what I have experienced in that event. From this assignment, I can learn more to write well with past tense mode, not only for active form, but also for passive form of past tense.
           The third assignment is that I had to make my own narrative story and draft the characters of my narrative include the theme, setting and plot. Unfortunately, I have not submitted this assignment yet so that I have not been able to publish it.
          The thing that I need to improve is how to write well, especially in the chronological order because sometime I didn’t write on the right chronological order. Another thing that I have to improve is about discipline especially in time management. I have to manage my time well so that I will not be late again in the work’s deadline. I hope God bless me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Interesting Event

Many Culture in The World

Hey guys, see you again in this post. In this post, I will write a summary about our faculty event that was held on Friday, 8th of April 2016.

Yeah, the event was a faculty event. The event was conducted by Edsa and English Department of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya. In that event, we also invited some senior high schools to came and joined our event. For example, St.Louis 2 SHS, Frateran SHS, IPIEMS SHS, Gloria SHS, etc. In that event, there was many representatives from many countries. Starting from France, Belarussia, China, Spain, Netherland, Germany and also Indonesia our lovely country. So, I think the event was very fun and very useful for us as university student and also for senior high schools students

Every country presented something interesting from their own country. Starting from their language, their cultures, the education in their country, something famous in their country, etc. All of their presentation were very interesting.

The one countries that made me very embittered is China. I think, China's booth was the most interesting one than another booth. The presentation from China was also not boring at all. I enjoyed the presentation. One interesting thing that they presented was about "How to make Kaligrafi". Apparently, it is not an easy thing to make Kaligrafi. From their explanation, i could know more about Kaligrafi

The other things that made me so excited was about Salsa Dance. Our faculty also invited Salsa Community Surabaya to support our event. They told us about Salsa Dance and also taught us the basic of Salsa. After showed the basic of Salsa, they invited the audience to join them on the state to do the Salsa dance. So many audiences, university students, our lecturers and also the MC joined them to do the Salsa dance. Unfortunately, i did not join that training because i can not dance at all and dance is not my hobby. Hehehe

Overall, the event was very good. I think, this event needs to be conducted again next year because this event was very useful for all people who came. We could know more about another countries culture. However, i think it will be better if this event will be conducted again next year, the committee should invite more representative from another countries. Like Australia, Canada, etc.

Okay guys. That is my explanation about the event that we had last Friday. Very interesting event, right? Haha. Thank you. Happy reading and Jesus bless you.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


My Own Zodiac

Hello readers! Come back again with me.
In this post i want to write something different about Zodiac. Mmmm, my own zodiac. Do you know kinds of zodiac? Yes, it is right. There are Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Scorpio and so on and so on. We know that many zodiacs symbol are about animal, for example, Scorpio with Scorpion symbol.
Talking about animal. All of us know that animals is God's creation. God makes so many kinds of animal, starting from mammals, amphibian, etc. God creates the animal with their own personalities. Like mammals, for example Cheetah. I am sure that all of you know what Cheetah is. Yes, Cheetah is the fastest animal in this world. Cheetah is also a wild animal.
Then, my own zodiac named "Cheetah". Sure, you wanna know what do i choose that name for my own zodiac name. My reason is because personality of cheetah is almost same with me. Then, what is the characteristic of "Cheetah Zodiac"?. The characteristics are Strict, fast, always be serious, discipline, and ambitious. I think the characteristic of Cheetah is almost same with me. So that, i choose Cheetah to be my own zodiac.
Okay, i think that's all. Happy reading, readers!
Jesus bless you