Friday, April 22, 2016

Journal 3

Journal 3
          Hello readers!. In this post, I will write my 3rd Journal of my Writing 1.
          I can be a little bit free now because I have finished my mid-term test, although I have not known the score yet. However, I have done my best in my mid-term test. Hopefully, the score will be a good score.
          After finishing the mid-term, I had to be ready to write again. My first assignment after the mid-term is that made my own zodiac including the characteristic of the new zodiac. I chose cheetah as my own zodiac and I wrote everything about it including the character. However, I did not add some things, like the romantic love, the finances, and the health info as the usual zodiac.
          The second assignment is that I had to make a summary about event that I have attended which called ICFC (International Culture Festival and Celebration). Especially, what I have experienced in that event. From this assignment, I can learn more to write well with past tense mode, not only for active form, but also for passive form of past tense.
           The third assignment is that I had to make my own narrative story and draft the characters of my narrative include the theme, setting and plot. Unfortunately, I have not submitted this assignment yet so that I have not been able to publish it.
          The thing that I need to improve is how to write well, especially in the chronological order because sometime I didn’t write on the right chronological order. Another thing that I have to improve is about discipline especially in time management. I have to manage my time well so that I will not be late again in the work’s deadline. I hope God bless me.

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