Saturday, May 21, 2016


            Around 3 years ago, I added a pin which was broadcasted by one of my friends in blackberry messenger. Apparently, the owner of the pin is girl. Her name is Rosalia Margaretta. After texting and chatting her in a long time enough, I know more about her. She is from Kediri and also was born in Kediri, 7th of March 1996. Her nickname is Rosa. Her friends usually call her with Rosa too. She is Christian. The synod of her church and my church is same. That is Successful Bethany Families. She has 1 old brother. Her favorite food is koloke and chicken with butter sauce. Her favorite drink is milkshakes (All kinds of milkshake). She is a HelloKitty’ers. Yeah, her favorite doll is Hello Kitty and her favorite color is pink. She was afraid of cockroach when she was a child.
She had a best friend named Lily when she was in junior high school. Until now, she is still keep in touch with her best friend. When she was in elementary school, she was very like a social lesson. Then, when she was in junior and senior high school, she was very like economy lesson. That was the reason, why she took IPS when she was in senior high school. Now, she is in college, in Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga. She has ever told me that she attended college because she is aware that now, education is very important for her future so that, she decided to continue to the college. She took management business major there. She took that major because she considered that management is still looked for by many industries.
She has had a boyfriend. Her boyfriend’s name is Ricky. They have known each other for 3 years before they decided to have a relationship. Rosa told that Ricky is her first love. Rosa and Ricky have been in relationship for around 2 years or since Rosa was in 3rd grade of senior high school. When she was in 3rd grade of senior high school, she was still in Kediri, and Ricky has been in Salatiga. The 1st year they were in relationship, they had so many problem that they had to face it together. At that time, Rosa always told and shared to me about her problem with Ricky. Rosa told me that she had planned to finish the relation with Ricky, because she felt uncomfortable with Ricky. She was so sad because the problem (from the serious problem until the big problem) always approached their relationship. However, finally, she decided to hold out with the situation and condition that happened at that time. Until the time she had to move to Salatiga to continue her education, she could meet with Ricky directly and could do the relationship without distance problem. They can meet every day directly, can do everything together also. Finally, their relationship can be better and better again, and now they still love each other. Ricky has met Rosa’s family, and also Rosa has met Ricky’s family too. Their relationship has been received and agreed by both of their family. Praise the Lord, until now they still keep the relationship well
Before having a relationship with Ricky, Rosa also has ever been in relationship with a boy from Surabaya. This relationship continued just around a year. Firstly, Rosa felt very happy with this relationship because the boy could understand Rosa as well. Rosa had ever gone to Surabaya to have a date with her boyfriend at that time. Her boyfriend treated Rosa very well when Rosa was in Surabaya. He bought everything that Rosa wanted until the last day Rosa in Surabaya and went back to Kediri with a very happy feeling. However, after Rosa went back to Kediri, around 2 months after it, Rosa found that her boyfriend at that time treated another girl. First time she knew it, she did not believe it. However, after she could prove it, she could believe that her boyfriend treated another girl. She was very sad and shocked. Eventually, she finished her relation with her boyfriend.
Not only had had her heart broken, but also she had ever broken hearts. Rosa has ever told me that she was afraid to have more boy friend. Why? Because she was afraid of hurting many hearts again and again. She also did not want to be a PHP girl at all. She was aware that she has broken so many hearts enough and she did not want to increase the broken hearts again. She was also aware that hurting so many hearts is not a good thing, so that she wanted to decrease it.
Happiness? What is in her mind about it?. Yeah, the definition of Happiness according to her opinion is that Happiness is you can live happily without pressures and sad things and also you can do everything that you want without be blamed by everyone. However, “can do everything” does not mean that you can do a bad things, but you have to do the right things. Right on human eyes, and also right on God eyes.
When she has free time or spare time, she usually does some relax things. Just like watching TV, texting and chatting with her friends in social media. However sometimes, she also lies down on her bed to relax her mind. She also helps her mother work at home, like mopping the floor, ironing clothes, washing the dishes, etc. She also hangs out together with her friends.
Every person must have hope and fear. They must also have the greatest hope and the greatest fear. Including Rosa, she also has the greatest hope and the greatest fear. The greatest fear that she has is that she is very afraid if she cannot make her parents happy and proud of her. Sure, the greatest hope that she wants to do later is that she wants to make her parents happy and proud of her because in her opinion, if she can make her parents happy, it also means that her parents success to educate her.
She has a phobia. The phobia that she has is height phobia. She has ever told me, when she went to Museum Angkut, Batu, Malang, she tried to go up into the Apollo building. When she was in the highest floor of that building, she was crying because for her, that is too high. Eventually, she decided to go down and did not want to go up again at all.
Okay, that’s all that I can share and add in my biography. Happy reading and thank you for reading. Happy holiday and Jesus bless.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Journal 4

Journal 4
Hello guys!. In this pot, I would like to write my 4th journal, which is the last journal of this semester for Writing 1 class.
            Since I had not submitted one of my assignments, I tried not to do it again. I submitted the 1st following assignment on time. The 1st following assignment was that I had to post my first part of narrative. Firstly, I was confused about “What narrative is and what the differences between narrative text and recount text”. However, I still tried to find what the answer of it. Finally, I found the answer and I did the first part of my narrative and I posted it. After that I continued with the second part of narrative, and I could submit it on time too.
            Before continuing with the third part of narrative (The last part of the narrative), I had a writing competition. The topic was “A Long Life Education”. When I did the competition and I typed my narrative about the topic, I wrote around 900 words. However, until now, the winners have not been announced yet. Win or not is not a problem for me. At least, I have tried and done what I can do. While I was doing the competition, I also had to do my last part of narrative. Fortunately, my topic and my title on my narrative and on my competition were almost same. So, I could do the last part of the narrative as well.
            For the next assignment, I have to make a biography about a person. Sure, I have to do an interview with the person who I would like to make his or her biography. I have done the interview, but I still have not written it on paragraphs. I will do it soon, so that I can submit the first two paragraphs and also the full biography on time. I don’t want to repeat the same mistake again.
            Without my awareness, the final test is coming. Like it or not, ready or not, I must be ready for it. I think, I still have so many things to improve on my writing. Starting for the grammar, chronological order, and especially about punctuation. However, I will learn more about it, so that I can know more about it. Hopefully, I can apply what I have learnt into my final test later. Let God bless me, especially for my final test.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Third Part of Narrative

            After that, he has grown up. Without our awareness, Paijo has been in Senior high school. he started to know, “What is love? ; How to build a good or true or right love? ; all about love”. He also has had a girlfriend, named Painem, who was 3 years younger than Paijo. Paijo and Painem built their relationship as well. Their own parents also knew about their relationship. As paijo was studying in his senior high school, without his awareness, his score was decreasing. He did not know about it and never mind about his score, however his parents felt that their son got decreased on his score. His parents were just silent at that time.
            By time flew, Paijo has been in college. He still kept the relationship with his girlfriend. His score got more decreased when he was in college. Oneday, his parents were planning to go to Sarangan lake to have a holiday. Paijo had been invited too. The day was come, and Paijo also his family went to Sarangan lake. Before the trip, Paijo’s parents have planned to give him an advice about his score. When they arrived at Sarangan Lake, they went to the hotel and took a rest directly.
            The next day, while Paijo was relaxing his mind, her parents came and sat next to him. His mother asked, “How is your relationship with Painem?” Paijo answered, “It is still good mom-dad. Why?” His father asked again, “Are you aware, starting from you have Painem as your girlfriend, your score was decreasing. Are you aware it, son?” Paijo answered again, “Yes, dad-mom. However, I feel so comfort with her, and I think she will be my destiny and also my wife.” Their parents told him, “That is not true, my son. The good girl is the girl who can make you feel so comfort and also can make you better and better again. So, we think that Painem is not good for you and she is not your destiny.” Paijo was silent and answered his parents slowly, “Okay mom-dad. I think all of you are true. Maybe she is not my destiny. She is not a good girl. She is not good for me. Forgive me mom-dad. I will finish my relationship and keep focus for my college education. Thank you mom-dad for giving me an advice. Your advice will be very useful for me.” After that, Paijo finished his relationship with Painem and kept focus on his college education. Finally, Paijo has finished his education and got married with the true girl, named Paina. They live happily together ever after.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Second Part of Narrative

            He was growing up and now he is on junior high school in 2nd grade. Oneday, he had a Biology test. He did not study about it because he felt, he would be able to pass this test. The test day has come. As usual, he woke up and took a shower and had a breakfast with his parents. His parents asked him, “Have you studied for the test today?”. He answered, “Not yet, dad-mom. I have not studied about the test yet. However, I’m sure, I will pass this test”. His father replied, “Are you sure, boy?. I dont want you get a bad score”. Finally, Paijo still tried to convince his parents until finally, his parents believed him.
            He went to school and met his friends. One of his friends pointed him and said, “ The smart boy has come. For all of you, if you have any difficulties about the test today, just ask him”. Many friends asked him about the materials for the test that day, and fortunately, he could answer all of his friends question. Finally, the time is for biology lesson, and it means, the test will start soon. Paijo still felt relax and was confident about the test. The students were doing the test, including Paijo. He was doing the test as soon as possible. He was the student who submitted the work earlier than his friends. The teacher asked him, “Are you sure with this work?”. Paijo answered, “Yes, why not? I am completely sure”. The time for the test has finished and the teacher told the class, “The result will be announced next week. So, make sure that all of you come to receive the result”. After that day, Paijo did the following day as usual and he still did not feel afraid of his test.
*1 week left*
            The teacher of Biology came and sat on her chair. She held the paper of the students’s test which have been corrected by her and said to the students, “Class, this is your result of the test last week. I shocked to see 1 score. He usually is not like this. However, i don’t know why in this test, he can get this score”. Finally, the teacher shared the result. Surprisingly, Paijo get 50 for the test and Paijo was shocked too. When Paijo went home, he was afraid of his parents because of the score. When he arrived at home, his parents asked him, “How was your biology test’s score?”. He replied, “Sorry, dad-mom. I just got 50”. His parents were angry with him and said, “Hmmmm. What i said boy!!. Don’t underestimate anything!!. Everything needs proccess and you dont underestimate anything. Although it is or it was a small thing, keep studying and trying”. Paijo said, “Yes, dad. I am sorry to make you angry and sad about my score. I will try to not repeat it again. I will never underestimate everything, although it is a small thing. Thank you, dad for giving me an advice”.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

First part of Narrative

Long Life Education

          Once upon a time, there was a smart boy named Paijo. He was from a poor family, which his father worked as a carpenter and his mother worked as a very kind housewife. He was born in Tabor Village on 26th of September 1970.
            One day, when he had his breakfast before going to school, his parents came and sat next to him. His father spoke with him. “Hello son! How are you today? Are you ready to do and face this day?” asked his father. He answered, “I am fine and so thankful today and yeah, I am ready to do and face this day”. His mother smiled and said, “Yeah that is my son. You have to be thankful for everything that you have gotten and also you have to have enthusiasm to do all day”. He said, “Yes mom!. Thank you for remembering me. Dad-mom, it is time to go to school. I have to go now”. After having conversation with his parents, Paijo went to school.
            When arrived in school, Paijo met his friends. “Have you studied for english test today?” asked one of his friend to him. Paijo answered “Yes, I have studied about it. It is very easy I think”. His friend shocked when heard Paijo’s opinion about the english test today and asked “Are you sure? This test is very easy? Okay then, please teach me about it. I am still confused about what is the difference between narrative and recount”. Paijo taught his friend about his friend’s difficulty. Finally, the test started and all of the students did the test silently. Apparently, the teacher looked into the tests and gave a score on it. After giving the score, the teacher told the class about the score. Paijo got a good score, 100. He was very happy and thankful to see the score. When Paijo went home, he told his parents about it and his parents felt so happy and so thankful too. His parents told Paijo, “We are so proud of you. However, don’t forget to thank to God for your good score”. Paijo answered, “Ofcourse mom-dad. I will thank to God for my good score”.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Journal 3

Journal 3
          Hello readers!. In this post, I will write my 3rd Journal of my Writing 1.
          I can be a little bit free now because I have finished my mid-term test, although I have not known the score yet. However, I have done my best in my mid-term test. Hopefully, the score will be a good score.
          After finishing the mid-term, I had to be ready to write again. My first assignment after the mid-term is that made my own zodiac including the characteristic of the new zodiac. I chose cheetah as my own zodiac and I wrote everything about it including the character. However, I did not add some things, like the romantic love, the finances, and the health info as the usual zodiac.
          The second assignment is that I had to make a summary about event that I have attended which called ICFC (International Culture Festival and Celebration). Especially, what I have experienced in that event. From this assignment, I can learn more to write well with past tense mode, not only for active form, but also for passive form of past tense.
           The third assignment is that I had to make my own narrative story and draft the characters of my narrative include the theme, setting and plot. Unfortunately, I have not submitted this assignment yet so that I have not been able to publish it.
          The thing that I need to improve is how to write well, especially in the chronological order because sometime I didn’t write on the right chronological order. Another thing that I have to improve is about discipline especially in time management. I have to manage my time well so that I will not be late again in the work’s deadline. I hope God bless me.